Rudolph Valentino.Org
An Official Website of Author Evelyn Zumaya & Publisher Renato Floris
"...Evelyn Zumaya spent years delving into formerly closed archives. The portrait that emerges of Valentino is, without a doubt, the most accurate and compelling that has so far been published. Too often, Hollywood finances are, well boring, but money is the name of the game in Tinseltown, and Zumaya does a masterly job of unraveling the maze of greedy and dishonest players who tried to gouge the estate for every penny to which they had no right.
Affairs Valentino is that rare Hollywood book that informs us of previously unknown facts yet tells a compelling narrative with terrific velocity. This is Hollywood as I know it: a glorious yet bitter moral landscape."
Robert Avrech - The Seraphic Press
Michael Morris - Sole Biographer of Natacha Rambova & Author of Madam Valentino
"This, (Affairs Valentino) is the BEST researched book about Rudolph Valentino ever written."
..."Zumaya has faced viciously barbaric opposition to her work, which has compelled her to cease publication of this fine book. This is a disastrous pity for she has done more than any other researcher to advance our understanding of this fascinating screen legend...If you find her book, buy it and don't flinch at the price. It tells a story worthy of any Hollywood scandal."
Tony Bonn - Editor of The American Chronicle